Friday, March 9, 2012

insurans kereta

Insurans?? ape ye insurans tu...insurans ni ade banyak sebernya..tapi kali ni i nk cite pasal insurans kete..for those yg dah tau tu..bgus if you know more..why dont if share with me...
At first, i just anggap insurans ni pelengakp beli kenderaan je..mase mule-mule beli moto dulu , i sampi fikir..uishhh wat lari bajet je insurans ni..hahah..itu dulu ehh..zaman sekarang pon blur jugekkk..ngeh2...
ok2...ngarut jerk..hoho..ok la ni ape yg i experience untuk my first year of insurans.. cite die camni..kereta yg i pakai sekarang ni is under my dad's name...previously my dad cume ade 1 kereta je at one kali ni die ade 2 kereta under his wujudla kekeliruan kat situ..sebab ny NCD kereta yg i bawak tu 0 mase nk renew..pelik2..nape eh...setelah di pikir, selidik2..owh..baru ktrg tau..rupenye NCD cume applicable untuk 1 kenderaan je..let say i have 5 cars dalam satu i only can apply my NCD to one of my car only.(best jugak kalo ade 5 kete nih heheh..).. cadangan terbaik..korang pilih la kereta yg mane insurans paling adela penjimatan disitu....cane nk tau harge insurans kereta ye? paling mudah korang bleh cek kat sini
ataupon mane2 application insurans calculator...while untuk cek NCD kereta bley dekat sini .(ISM PUBLIC NCD ENQUIRY).. psoalan cane nk tau sum insured? untuk tau nilai yg sepatutnye di insuranskan..kit kene la survey harga pasaran kereta kite tahun tu....harge kereta ni tak macm umah...tahun demi tahun..hrge kete ak, jgn ikt je ape agen ckp..then bayar..alasan, senang keje..sometimes we need to know la kan...selalu nye org yg amik kereta baru, will leave this issue to their agent...mcm sy ni pakai kete second hand itu yg buat sy nk tau..kenapa dan kenapa..btw , for info, susah la sgt kite nk dapt full amount yg kite insured tu if anything happen..contoh: harge market kereta 15k..x yah la insured sampi 15k...kat dlm insurans ni ade la pilihan2 tmbahan;windscreen cover ker, flood cover ker, aksesori kereta adn legal liabilty je tau..haram2 x mao..sume nye ade nilai die..lg byk korng tmbh lg byk la duit nk pilih la ikut keperluan..cntoh windsreen cover..korang perlu bayar lebih kurang 15% je dr amount insured..let say korang insured 400 so bayar dlm 60 cmtu je..x bebaloi ke untuk bende yg we'll never know..tibe2 batu lori depan kene kat cermin, crack...buat2 lak tgah yg perly..claim insurans....hohoho..oh ya..ape NCD? NCD=non claim discount...maksudnya kalo kita tak claim kit boleh dpat diskaun on the next year..jadi kalo stakat laggar kecik2..kuar duit sendiri jela...n lastly..kalo bleh and ade peluang pilih la agen yg bertanggung jawb.bleh tlong kite kalo ape ape jdi...jgn mase nk bayr..lmbut gigi dr bile nk claim..mak aiiii..becoz for me yg penting servis la..sebab harga bg syarikat insurans ni lebih kurang je..jadi..tepuk dada tnya selera...(erkk..ttbe lapar plak mlm2 ni) k la bubby nk gi korek2 ape ade kat dapor...hihihi....

my third blog

lalala..this is my 3rd blog..sebabnya for my 1st blog, i forgot my password, instead i cant even remember which email account that i us for that blog..while for the second blog.. i look it very borink, and i just delete just simple as that.. morover i dont that blogging spirit, but i have the intention to share something.. somehow, i just imagine that i am going to share this and that..but it just in my head..hardly translate into writing..but now i think i want to do it again..hope it might works!!!=)